Early Childhood Resiliency Curriculum
The Early Childhood Resiliency Curriculum program promotes the resiliency of young children that have been impacted by trauma to develop a path and goals that lead to lifelong success. This program will be built onto the existing Behavior Intervention Specialist project that provides for children ages 3-5 and their families for further support in the classroom and community setting. This program differs from others in Washington County due to the intensity and continuity of having a specialist on staff allowing for timely response. 

Financial Capabilities Center
The Financial Capabilities Center program aims to help lower-income residents in Washington County make more informed decisions on how to spend their money, regardless of the income they have, by assessing their individual financial situations. They provide services of weekly financial literacy classes & coaching sessions, free income tax preparation, a matched savings account program for those wanting to purchase a home, start/expand a small business, or attend a post-secondary institution. Blueprints is the only entity that provides a program like the Financial Capabilities Center. Blueprints’ participant-centered programming available through the Financial Capabilities Center helps families assess their personal financial situations through our array of programming, take ownership of an action plan and work towards achieving their desired outcomes with a strong foundation of knowledge, resources and support. This program provides comprehensive and specialized services to support lower-income Washington County residents as they develop the skills needed to attain and maintain financial independence and acquire assets.

Foster Care Extracurricular Activities Program
The Foster Care Extracurricular Activities Program strives to assist children that are in foster care with building natural support systems, engaging in school and having a sense of individual self-worth. The extracurricular activities provide these children with the opportunity to develop additional social skills, build relationships and establish connections with schools and communities. Blueprints is the only entity that provides this support and service to foster children in Washington County. 

Getting Ahead
Getting Ahead is a 16-week course that is meant to help its participants by breaking the cycle of poverty with goal setting in 11 target areas such as housing, transportation & financial literacy while also learning about systemic causes of poverty. This course is led by a case manager that helps to provide specialized services & help participants understand their resources and community. Blueprints is the only entity located in Washington County that provides this type of service. Getting Ahead helps families in poverty build 11 different types of resources as they work to break barriers & build their futures; as well as helping families build resources for a more prosperous life for themselves, their families and their communities. 

Home Ownership Center
The Home Ownership Center provided by Blueprints is meant to “operate as a one-stop-shop” that allows for participants to have access to services, products, and training necessary when purchasing, building, and managing a home. This program helps to reduce the number of cost-burden residents in Washington County and allows residents to not only be able to afford homes but continue to be financially stable to maintain owning a home. Blueprints is the only entity that provides a service like the Home Ownership Center. The Home Ownership Center exists to assist participants to achieve and sustain the “American Dream.” The center benefits prospective homeowners, existing homeowners and the local economy.