Through the generosity of donors who support the United Way of Washington County’s Community Impact Fund, 20 nonprofit community partners are receiving $252,505 of funding for the second-year of the multi-year FY2022-2024 Community Impact Fund bringing over $505,010 was granted during this grant cycle. During this two-year grant cycle, 39 local health and human service programs are receiving funding to serve Washington County community members. The group photo showcases individuals representing the 20 nonprofit community partners for this current grant cycle.

The multi-year grant cycle of the Community Impact Fund begins with a lengthy grant process that involves bringing together over forty community volunteers to serve as panelists who review the submitted grant applications for local programs.  Each program is evaluated on its efficiency of operation, financial accountability, and most importantly, its impact within the Washington County community.  All programs that receive grant funding align within the United Way’s focus areas of education, financial stability and health.  Two programs are focused on food insecurity.
The following nonprofits are receiving Community Impact Fund Grants for the programs listed below:

American Red Cross of Southwestern PA
SWPA Disaster Cycle Services: Response, Recovery and Financial Assistance for Survivors Program
ARC Human Services
Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Services Program
Foster Care Extracurricular Activities Program, Expansion of Early Childhood Resiliency Curriculum Program, Getting Ahead Program, Home Ownership Program, Financial Capabilities Center Program
Boy Scouts of America, Laurel Highlands Council
Get Hooked on Scouting Program
CASA for Kids, Inc.
Child Advocacy Program
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Washington Co. Outreach Office
Basic Needs Program, Family Therapy Program
Cornerstone Care
Smile for Life Oral Program
Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA
Dating Violence Prevention Program, Shelter Counseling Program
Dress for Success Pittsburgh 
Washington County Mobile Services Program 
Every Child, Inc.
Extracurricular Foster Care Program, Foster Care Recruitment Program, Mental Health Team Specialization Program
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank
Washington County Impact Grants Program
LeMoyne Community Center
Camp Challenge Program, Homework and More STEAM Program, Mobile Feed and Nutrafit Program
Literacy Council of Southwestern PA
Education Program Manager and Classroom Program
STTARS Program
SPHS Connect Inc.
Washington Family Shelter Program, Washington Housing Programs for the Homeless Program
Summit Legal Aid (formerly Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid)
The Project to Remove Employment Barriers Program, Victims of Domestic Violence Program
Transitional Employment Consultants
Supported Employment Program, Transition School to Work Program
Vision Services of Washington County
Training and Supportive Services Program
Washington City Mission
Crabtree Kovacicek Veteran's House Program, Men's Shelter Program, Women and Children's Shelter Program, Medical Clinic Program
Washington Health System 
Children's Therapy Program, Teen Outreach Peer Education, Teen Outreach ECHO Program
Wesley Family Services
Foster Grandparents Program
Just over the past eighteen years, a total of $7,444,192 has funded local programs from the Community Impact Fund. This is in addition to contributions that donors designated to specific nonprofits. In the last fiscal year alone, a total of $181,922 was distributed to other United Ways and to nonprofit agencies through donor designations.   

P. Ann Hrabik, MBA, CFRE, Executive Director of the United Way of Washington County expressed, “We are honored to support these 39 programs that meet the needs of our community members, The United Way of Washington County envisions a community where everyone achieves their human potential through education, financial stability and healthy lives.” 

The mission of the United Way of Washington County, who is two years shy of turning 100 years old, is to unite people, resources, and organizations to improve lives in Washington County. To learn more about the United Way of Washington County, please visit